
carolina farm trust

Our Vision: A region in which food systems promote social, environmental, and economic resilience.

Carolina Farm Trust works to bring fresh, bountiful, locally-grown food to your plate. Our approach is comprehensive and collaborative. We work alongside our partners, farmers and growers, farms, markets, and consumers as we strive to make our region a global leader in local food production and consumption.


  • Increase in the availability and affordability of fresh, nutritious, culturally relevant food

  • Equitable economic opportunity in agriculture and supporting sectors

  • Strengthened regional food security

  • Reduction in harmful environmental impacts of the food we eat

  • Empowered community

Urban Farm Network

An Ecosystem That Works with People and the Planet

  • Connection for informed decision making

  • Preserves agricultural spaces amid urban expansion

  • Ensures sustainability and biodiversity

  • Enables local sustainability
  • Fosters feeling of contribution

  • Raises the community’s values for well being

Our Current Farm Network

Manage Urban Farms Network

The Urban Farm at Aldersgate is a collaboration of Carolina Farm Trust and Aldersgate Retirement Community. It is a 6.7 acre farm that grows culturally relevant produce year-round. It features traditional farming beds, beehives, and a hoop garden.

Manage Urban Farms Network Free Spirit Farm

The Free Spirit Farm, located in Huntersville, is 27.9 acres with 17 acres of productive land. As the newest addition to the Carolina Farm Trust family, the land has just recently been cleared, and Carolina Farm Trust is building relationships with stakeholders in Huntersville.

CFT Market

CFT Market will serve both residential and commercial customers by buying and selling real food, for real people. Foundational to the project are principles of equity, with a focus on access and affordability, in order to connect equity-seeking communities with food that is flavorful, vibrant, and packed with nutrition. The undertaking of this project is critical to achieving food justice in Charlotte.

  • Year-round source of fresh, affordable, nutrient-dense foods and value added products
  • Reliable marketplace for farmers and agripreneurs to sell their products

  • A place to work with farmers to begin regenerative practices giving corporations more opportunities to reach their ESG and carbon neutral goals
  • Educational, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities

Food as Health

By prioritizing prevention through nutrition and empowering individuals with access to healthy food options, we can strengthen immune systems, promote overall well-being, and support high-level performance among employees in self-insured corporations. Deploying Community Health Workers as boots on the ground is an effective strategy to ensure optimal health and provide necessary food resources to communities.

  • Emphasize the importance of nutrition in preventing illness and enhancing well-being

  • Enable access to healthy food choices, empowering individuals to make nourishing decisions

  • Utilize community Health Workers to deliver vital health services and food resources
  • Foster physical and mental health initiatives in self-insured corporations, benefiting employee performance

Farm Apprenticeship

The decline of farmers and the need for successors highlight the urgency of addressing this issue. By expanding agricultural tracts, fostering urban-rural connections, providing support to young farmers, and integrating culinary tracts into schools, we can promote a sustainable and vibrant agricultural industry.

  • Expand agricultural tracts to create more opportunities for aspiring farmers

  • Foster connections between urban and rural communities for mutual understanding and collaboration

  • Provide essential assistance and resources to support young farmers
  • Integrate culinary tracts into schools to prepare future generations for careers in agriculture

Our Mission

To strengthen
our local food systems in the Carolinas,
from production to consumption.
Join us in fulfilling our mission by donating.

How You Can Help

Every dollar helps us strengthen local food systems in the Carolinas, whether by supporting one of our urban farms, helping farmers get the infrastructure and equipment they need, or purchasing or leasing farm land. We stand shoulder to shoulder with farmers and our partner organizations, ensuring that the money we raise is quickly put to use.

Support us by making a donation, or
by becoming a fundraiser for Carolina Farm Trust.

Make a Donation