our network of
urban farms
Carolina Farm Trust manages a network of urban farms in the Charlotte Metro
with the goal of making the area a global leader in sustainability by feeding the region with food from local farms.
We have purchased land for and are activating two catalyst farms.
Each farm is currently in a different stage of activation or development.
Our Current Farm Network

The Urban Farm at Aldersgate is a collaboration of Carolina Farm Trust and Aldersgate Retirement Community. It is a 6.7 acre farm that will grow culturally relevant produce year-round. It is not in production yet, but will feature traditional farming beds, an aquaponics system, mobile kitchen, beehives, and a hoop garden.

Lets Grow it Together
Help us build the Urban Farm at Aldersgate to use as proof of a successful urban farm in Charlotte. When people see that it works, more urban farms will arise. By supporting it, you are helping us support existing urban farms, such as Seeds of Change on West Blvd., Johnson C. Smith’s Sustainability Village, and the Urban Farm at Garringer High School.
Our main goal is to make sure you and your family have a food system that you can trust and rely on. Let’s pull in our food supply chain from thousands of miles away and back to our region. Let’s make Charlotte a state leader, then a national leader, and ultimately a global leader in building a food system that positively impacts our growing health epidemic as well as climate change. Let’s build a food system that creates the ingredients of upward mobility.
How Can I Help?
Please fill out the form below to take action in one or more of these ways!
Invite us to come speak to your organization or your community
Host a screening of The Farmer That Feeds Us
Volunteer with us
Becoming a Corporate Sponsor
Become an Impact Investor
How You Can Help
Every dollar helps us strengthen local food systems in the Carolinas, whether by supporting one of our urban farms, helping farmers get the infrastructure and equipment they need, or purchasing or leasing farm land. We stand shoulder to shoulder with farmers and our partner organizations, ensuring that the money we raise is quickly put to use.